27/09/19 - 11/10/19 (Week 5 - Week 7)
Piyaphon Inthavong (0337589)
Design Research Methodology



Week 5 | Sep 27th, 2019

Introduction to critical reviews

Writing a critical review

Research paper sample

Week 6 | Oct 4th, 2019

Week 7 | Oct 11th, 2019

Today we had lectures about the two methodologies in collecting primary data, which is the quantitative and qualitative method. Quantitative methodology is a data collection method where data usually comes in statistics and measurable forms. The questions are often close-ended type resulting in fixed response options.

Qualitative methodology, on the other hand, is commonly described as the opposite way of the quantitative method. Questions are often open-ended meaning it is open for all kinds of responses from the audience; The responses are not structured as it opens an opportunity for researchers to dig deeper within their research topics if the participants are willing, to be honest, and open about their answers.


The following are the revised critical reviews compiled in a single PDF file.


Week 5 | Sep 27th, 2019

My current research was lacking in proper citation. Books are great, however, a research article is necessary for the research proposal. Also watch out for the year of publication as recent researches are recommended.

Week 6 | Oct 4th, 2019

General feedback:
Be careful with the misused terms. The word” thesis” is misused in the first draft of the critical review. Be consistent on how you address yourself and the audience. Address yourself as a researcher instead of a reader. Describe the people involved in the experiment/research as participants (rather than testers). Write a consistent style throughout the review. Introduce any acronym in the first instance prior to using them continuously. In-text citation uses APA, write Author’s last name first, followed by the single capital letter of their first, and middle name. Avoid repetition.

Specific feedback: 

Include the country in which the research is conducted: Positive communication in Russia. Write “existing old website” (instead of existing website) to prevent confusion to the following description. Don’t put “all in all” in practice for the conclusion, use “in conclusion.”

Week 7 | Oct 11th, 2019

The research topic is no longer much relevant to the field of my chosen specialization, which is Graphic Design in comparison to New Media. However, it is still applicable as it is totally subjective to each individuals’ personal interests. Some tweaks has to made in order to support my further studies on Graphic Design topics.
